Saturday, July 27, 2013

Stabbing Pain in Your Heel

Have you been having pain in your heel that feels like someone is stabbing you? A common condition for men and women alike is plantar fasciitis. It is the inflammation of a band of tissue stretching from your inner heel out to your toes and if not stretched out properly, it can cause you pain and discomfort. If this is happening to you, there are a few quick fixes and there are some ways your podiatrist can get you relief.

Stretching. Now, you’ve heard a million times that you need to be stretching to keep yourself good and limber, but it’s not just for athletes. The most common reason that the band of tissue is causing  you so much pain is because it is tight. So, there are a couple of stretches that you can do called the figure of 4, the runner’s stretch and using a towel to stretch out the tissue. However, stretches work great if done correctly but can cause you more pain if done incorrectly, so it is always best to have a professional demonstrate these stretches to you.

Another thing that works great for this condition is orthotics. There can be an underlying cause to your pain beyond just being tight. This includes having a fallen arch which is much more common than many people think. In this instance, a pair of orthotics will help to hold up that arch and give you more support.
Finally, icing is always a good option in the case of inflammation because it helps to break the pain cycle. Taking a froze water bottle, placing it under your foot on the floor and rolling it back and forth is a great trick for massaging, icing and stretching all in one.

So, if you or someone you know has a painful heel, you should seek help from your podiatrist. If you live in the North Reading or Tewksbury, Massachusetts area, Dr. Wachtel would be more than happy to see you and help treat your feet. We are also happy to announce our Methuen and North Andover offices located at 451 Andover St. Suite 300, North Andover MA 01845 and 87 Jackson St, Methuen, MA 01835.

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