Friday, July 26, 2013

Achille's Heel of the Summer

It is summer time and we are all running around enjoying the good weather while it lasts. As you are running around town hanging out at the beach and playing sports, people can have all kinds of injuries. One of the more common ones to see happen during the summer is an Achilles rupture. As a whole, people tend to take off time during the winter due to the cold weather and the less sunshine, as a result, your muscles and tendons tend to lose their strength. When the spring and the summer come back, everyone wants to get out and about. After such a long time of being less active, people who then go and start heavy running or playing basketball or playing beach volleyball during the summer will end up causing damage to their tendon. If they do not allow themselves time to recover then you can end up causing chronic irritation. Eventually due to this irritation, your Achilles can rupture.

So, what can be done for an Achille’s rupture? There are two options. Either surgery or casting to allow the Achilles to scar and heal on its own will be decided upon once you talk with your doctor. The decision will largely depend upon how active of an individual you are as well as the severity of the injury. These decisions can’t be made until you see your podiatrist and have an x-ray and MRI done.

So, if you or someone you know has injured there Achilles, you should seek help from your podiatrist. If you live in the Chelmsford or North Reading, Massachusetts area, Dr. Wachtel would be more than happy to see you and help treat your Achilles. We are also happy to announce our Methuen and North Andover offices located at 451 Andover St. Suite 300, North Andover MA 01845 and 87 Jackson St, Methuen, MA 01835.

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