Sunday, July 7, 2013

Paris Hilton, Posh Spice and Naomi Campbell's Bunions

What could you have in common with so many of Hollywood’s celebrities including Paris Hilton, Posh Spice, and Naomi Campbell? All of these celebrities have bunions. A bunion occurs when your big toe starts to turn in towards your other toes and the long bone that attaches to it juts out. As it progresses along, the bones will start to push up against your shoe and can end up being very painful.

Many people will try wearing wider shoes, wear stretchier shoes, try taking pain killers and try putting a cushion over the bump. Bunions can occur as a result of flat feet that cause your bones to jet out as they are trying to push farther into the floor. The resistance of the floor causes additional pressure against your toe. Another cause is wearing shoes that push your toes into a new position. This pressure day in and day out can cause your feet to start to take a new shape due to soft tissue and bone restructure.

Ultimately, if the conservative treatment doesn’t work, surgery is your next option. The surgery will remove the bump from your foot and it will also restructure your toe to correct the alignment of the bones. After the surgery though, you will need orthotics to correct your foot type. Otherwise, there is a good possibility that the bunion could return.

So, if you or someone you know is having trouble with bunion pain, you should seek help from your podiatrist. If you live in the Lowell or North Reading, Massachusetts area, Dr. Wachtel would be more than happy to see you and help treat your feet. We are also happy to announce our Methuen and North Andover offices located at 451 Andover St. Suite 300, North Andover MA 01845 and 87 Jackson St, Methuen, MA 01835.

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