Thursday, November 1, 2012

Yellow, Thick, Fungus Nails

Do you have thick or yellow nails? This is due to nail fungus that is causing your nails to change color and to become thick. Unfortunately, fungus nails are very difficult to treat and often will not go away with typical treatments like creams and medications. Since these methods usually don’t work well, it often leaves you frustrated and not wanting to wear shoes that show your toenails. Don’t worry though, because there is another treatment plan that has shown a great deal of promise.

Laser therapy treatment is a relatively new innovation to come to the field of podiatry. It has several treatments including fungal nails, injured tendons and injured ligaments. Laser therapy makes use of specific wavelengths to jumpstart your injury into an acute, early injury stage removing it from the chronic state of injury it has been in. This part of the treatment helps to restore your nail to its normal state by decreasing the thickness of your nail and returning the color to normal. The other aspect of the treatment plan is that the laser therapy kills the fungus removing the infection that is causing the changes in your nails.

Since laser therapy is so new, many people are apprehensive about the treatment. However, there have not been any really serious contraindications to the treatment. Laser therapy should not be used on women that are pregnant and people that have a tumor in that area. The treatment itself varies in length depending on the individual and how severe your fungal infection is.

If you are interested in laser therapy for fungal nails or if you are having any other podiatric conditions, our office can be reached at (978) 794-8406. We would be more than happy to help you schedule an appointment so that Dr. Wachtel can discuss all of the treatment options available for you.  If you live in the Methuen, North Andover, Tewksbury or Lowell, Massachusetts area, we would be more than happy to see you and help you get back up on your feet.

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