Laser therapy is a technological advancement that allows specific wavelengths to be used that promote growth and repair of the nail while killing the fungus. It is a non-invasive procedure and the most that a patient will feel is a bit of warmth from the laser beam. The laser therapy stimulate growth and healing by increasing the circulation to the affected area, your toenails. This increased circulation allows your body to bring the necessary healing cells within your body to the site. This then allows your body to repair itself leaving you with those gorgeous toenails you want to show off to the world.
The laser functions to heat up the fungus and kill it directly. This is different than other creams, formulas or even oral medications that you have tried because it is working directly on the fungus as opposed to treating an area or the entire system. This explains why people who have tried an entire medicine cabinet’s worth of products and have not had success will see a difference with the laser treatment.
The nail requires 2-3 months of treatment before you will see results. Additionally, the entire nail takes about 6-8 months to completely be replaced. Therefore, this is a slow process, but it was one that will leave your nails looking better than ever. The only current contraindications to this treatment are pregnant women and if there is a tumor within this area. Other than that, the procedure is harmless. So, there is no reason that you should not get your feet back out into the world. This is the perfect time of year to do it, because you will start seeing results by the time you are ready to hit the beach.
If you live in the North Andover, Methuen, Boston, Wilmington or Billerica Massachusetts and you are dealing with thick, yellow, fungus nails, our staff would be more than happy to help you decide on the best plan for you.
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