A flat foot is a result of a flattened arch that can come from injury to ligaments, arthritis, wear and tear and many more causes. The problem with your foot being flat is that some people may experience no pain, while others can experience pain throughout their foot, leg and possibly even into their back. Because of the variety of manifestations, this condition can range from no symptoms clear up to debilitating.
There are some conditions that can give you a greater likelihood of developing a flat foot. These include obesity, diabetes, aging, pregnancy and injury. Some of these you have control over, but others, like aging, happens to the best of us.
If you are experiencing foot pain though, visiting your podiatrist can help determine what is causing your discomfort. If it is in fact a flat foot, there are several accommodations that can be done to relieve your pain. Orthoses are a great way to help correct your foot structure so that when you are walking you have an appropriate arch when your foot touches the ground. Orthoses can either be distributed to you that are a general type for particular foot types or they can be custom made for your foot. After consulting with your physician, they can help determine which one is the best option for you. If your flat foot is as a result of an injury, then steps will be taken to correct the underlying problem first and then determine if further treatment is needed. In some instances with children, their flat foot may be as a result of how their foot was formed. In this case, orthotics may be an option, but depending on the severity, surgery may have to be considered.
A flat foot can be a painful condition, but there is no reason that you need to live with the discomfort. Through the wide variety of treatment options available, your podiatrist can help determine which option is best for you. Then, in no time, you can be back on the hot pursuit for the perfect gift for all of your loved ones.
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