Monday, December 17, 2012

Diabetic Sugar Friendly Holidays

The holiday season is here and with all of the cheer that is present all around, we are all clinging close to our family and one of the best ways to do that is through cooking. Now, there are many different cultures in our country and each one has their own unique set of recipes and traditions. One thing that is pretty consistent amongst all holiday recipes is sugar. And not only is there some sugar, there is an overabundance of sugar in multiple forms including, white sugar, brown sugar and flour.

So, you might be wondering why a podiatry blog would be concerned with holiday cooking. Well, that answer is a simple one: diabetes. As many of you know, diabetes is a condition where your body is not able to process the sugar that it takes in. Unfortunately, for a diabetic, all of the sugar that is available at Christmas can mean that their sugar levels can be through the roof. Now, you are probably thinking so what, they can just take an extra shot or pill and it will bring their sugar levels back down. This may be true for the sugar number for the moment, but it does not help their kidney health, eyesight or their capability to heal an ulceration on their foot. All of these aspects can’t be so easily fixed with a pill or a shot.

What can be done to help a diabetic around the holidays? Well, having a sugar free option for dessert is always a great addition to your sweets table. With all of the recipes available from food network these days, it is really easy to find a delicious sugar free treat. Another thing that will help everyone is to put the food away right after you are done eating. Rather than sitting down to watch tv right away, putting the food away will help to prevent munching, which is not only good for sugar, but also great for the waistline.

To learn more about diabetic care, we offer a book on our website for free that talks about diabetic care and the ins and outs of everything you need to know. Also, if you are in the Tewksbury, Dracut or North Reading, Massachusetts areas, Dr. Wachtel would be more than happy to help you with all of your diabetic foot care needs. We are also happy to announce our North Andover office, located at 451 Andover St. Suite 300, North Andover MA 01845.

1 comment:

  1. Helpful information about Diabetes care. I want to suggest this kind of diabetes free sugar for those patients who are affected by the disease. I think if we can follow the process then we can equally enjoy our holiday.

    Diabetes Care Center
