Monday, August 20, 2012

Laser Treatment for Injuries Associated with New Exercise Plans

There is nothing worse than starting a new workout to injure yourself within the first week or your regimen. Overuse injuries are a common mishap that people have. When you start a new plan such as running, jumping rope or even these new boot camps, you can get and injury just from doing the same repetitive motions over and over again. This constant repetition can put a constant pull and release motion on those ligaments and tendons that they can end up tearing or even rupturing with time.

One treatment for torn ligaments and tendons is laser therapy. This therapy focuses a specific wavelength of energy at the affected area and stimulates your body to revert to a state of acute injury. By bringing your body into this acute state, all of the blood cells and chemicals in your body that promote healthy healing will be stimulated. When this is done, your body will be pushed to heal itself back to as close to its original strong state as it can. The difference between acute healing and chronic healing is that in an acute stage, your body has the ability to return to its original level of strength and mobility whereas with chronic, you may experience less range of motion and less strength then you had prior to the injury. Losing range of motion and strength is never a good thing because that is something you won’t be able to work through and improve as readily.

The laser treatments may take several office visits to obtain maximum results. Depending upon your particular injury, your podiatrist may want to offload your injured foot, ice it, and rest your foot. Your podiatrist will be able to assess the level of injury through physical exam and x-rays. They will then be able to determine if you need conservative, noninvasive intervention or if you need surgery.

The most important thing with any type of sports related injury is to see your doctor quickly so that they can assess the severity and get you started on a treatment plan. If you or someone you know has an injury like this and lives in the Methuen, Tewksbury, North Andover or Lowell, Massachusetts areas, our office would be more than happy to help you schedule an appointment.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting information I haven’t been through such information in a long time. check this out
