Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Bugs of Summer

A heat wave has hit the United States, and with this unbelievable heat comes a need to stay cool in any way that we can. This means shorts and short sleeve tops, flip flops and swimsuits and the beach, pool, or whatever you have available. It also means that you are going to be tempted to go around barefoot outside to try and keep cool. Although this may make the heat a little more bearable, it also opens you to infection from organisms that live in the soil.

There are three main parasitic worms that can enter your feet from the soil. These include Strongyloides Stercoralis, Ancylostoma Duodenale and Trichinella Spiralis. These worms are primarily in the southern states of the US. Once these worms get into your system they will cause you to have severe intestinal infection that will cause nausea, stomach pain or diarrhea. Luckily, these little worms can be treated with a prescription that will kill them off and cure your symptoms.

It is easy to forget your feet because many of us take them for granted. However, your feet serve as a sort of portal into the rest of your system. They come into contact with every surface that you walk on, and with that everything that lives in the area you are walking in.

So, regardless of how hot it is outside, it is important to remember to wear some sort of shoe wear to protect your feet when you are walking around outside, whether it is in the dirt or a stream. This will serve to protect you from the organisms in the area and sharp objects that can injure you.

If you or someone you know notices a red swollen area on your foot after walking around barefoot outside, it is important to seek the care of your local podiatrist. There are many organisms that can cause you much greater trouble the longer that they go untreated. If you live in the Methuen, Tewksbury, North Andover or Lowell, Massachusetts area, Dr. Wachtel would be more than happy to help you determine what is causing the inflammation and swelling in your feet.

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