Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Skechers Shape-ups Settlement

Sketchers has recently agreed to pay a 40 million settlement to refund people for their purchase of Shape Ups. Claims have been made that the company mislead consumers with false information claiming that these shoes would make you fit by just walking around. People have been outraged at the amount that they paid for no results. Skechers does claim however, that they were targeting young women that were already in shape and it was just supposed to be extra boost.

The truth about the shape up shoes is two-fold. First, wearing a particular kind of shoes is not going to make you look like Tyra Banks or any other toned individual. The reality is that kind of fitness takes hours in the gym paired with good nutrition and self-discipline. As nice as it would be to find the miracle cure, unfortunately you just have to get out there and work-out. The second thing that is important to know about these shoes is that they are used in podiatric medicine. However, they are not used for people who want to tone their legs, but instead they are used for people who do not have enough range of motion in their joints to meet the requirements for walking. This shoe is referred to as a “double rocker” and it allows your foot to roll through the gate cycle and push off the ground. They are a very unstable shoe though and so they are only prescribed for one foot due to their inherent instability.

Podiatrists have a vast array of shoe modifications in their tool bag for treatment. These include different types of shoes, padding to off-load a painful joint or bump and orthoses to hold your foot in a position favorable to your everyday activities. Unfortunately, none of them are marketed as being a weight loss miracle. However, for the people who have painful bunions, limited range of motion, high arches, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, and a whole slew of other conditions these modifications can give them unbelievable relief.

If you or someone you know in the Methuen, Lowell, North Andover, Tewksbury or Boston Massachusetts area are suffering from a painful foot, our office staff would be more than happy to help you schedule an appointment. Dr. Wachtel will be able to help you figure out the best treatment plan and get you back up and on the go.

1 comment:

  1. This has been quite the story with Sketchers - there is responsibility on people's part though to really evaluate what they are wearing and how good certain shoes are for their overall health.
