Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tips to Treat Toenail Fungus

Fungal toenails are found when the nail plate can have a thickened, yellow, or cloudy appearance. The nails can become rough and crumbly, or can separate from the nail bed. Statistics show that about six million Americans are affected with this disease. Sports players tend to have a larger rate of toenail fungus than non-sports players. The moisture around the shoe and constant foot trauma are often the main cause of this infection. Remember, putting nail polish on the infected toenail will not be good, as the fungus can be sealed within the nail making it difficult to treat even using home remedies. Dr. Remedy Enriched Nail Polish would be something to consider because this nail polish will provide you with a healthier alternative to commercial nail polish. Dr. Remedy is enhanced with naturally occurring anti-fungal ingredients and vitamins to promote healthier nails. Dr. Remedy will enrich the means of a stronger, healthier looking nail, which is appealing to everyone.

Another way to treat the fungus is to cut the infected toenail gently. Cut your toenail and then file down the infected area to cure toenail fungus. Constantly trimming the infected toenail can help lower the infection and can also assist to bring down spreading the infection. A podiatrist or a foot doctor will debrid the nail, this is the process that involves filing down the harden portion of the nail. It is almost impossible to completely and permanently cure toenail fungus. A podiatrist may recommend permanent removal if your toenail(s) are painful and very difficult to care for.

Other Helpful Hints
• Wear dry shoes and socks. Do not allow your feet to remain wet.
• Use natural fibers (such as cotton) and avoid plastic or rubber shoes/soles.
• Change shoes and socks frequently.
• Regular nail care and trimming (as described above) helps prevent problems.
• Use powder regularly in shoes and socks.

It is very important to take good care of your nails in order to prevent any possible disease. Remember, it is not easy to cope with this type of toenail problem and thus treating your toes and feet can help you sustain a better healthy way of life.


  1. thanks for the tips... great blog by the way

    i know some us are asking What is Yellow Toe Nail Fungus.. i also have no idea.. anyone wanna explain it to us?.. thnx

  2. One of the most recent advancements in the treatment for toenail fungus is the adaption of laser technology to "zap" away a fungal infection.

    The treatment is still relatively expensive, costing the patient about $1000 per laser treatment. Nevertheless, if conducted properly, laser treatment for toenail fungus can be very effective.

    Here is an article about 5 ways to achieve successful laser treatment.

  3. Taking care of our feet is very important, if they do get damaged then a simple job like walking can become a painful exercise. Thanks for your tips!
    podiatry emr

  4. zetaclear is one of the most useful and low-cost directing brandthat rattling effectively entireness aginst the win infection.
    nail fungus treatment

  5. Hello dear, I personally suffered from this symptom. I am happy to get recovered and I suffered a lot. Thank you so much for sharing the valuable tips and may your site remain forever. Recently I updated my site:

  6. Thanks for giving nice information regarding nail fungus problems. It would be more helpful if it contains treatment tips.
    Anti-fungal medicine
